Vigorous Lightning Storm over Seattle Sep. 7, 2019 This was so fun! Conrad even came outside a bit to enjoy the light show. One nearby strike's thunder was a bit much for him but the next day...
Needle Ice Grows In Our Garden Nov. 30, 2014 At least when it's cold. I saw (and stepped on) the phenomenon known as needle ice today as we were doing some outdoor Christmas light planning. After I heard...
Rare Summer Evening Lightning Aug. 11, 2014 I got my camera out after the closer, big stuff hit but I got a couple decent shots once the storm cell moved to the north of Seattle a...
Rain and Rocks Derail Link Train Apr. 25, 2012 A rain squall of pretty epic proportions passed right over the top of downtown Tacoma about 5:30 tonight. I watched it come down from inside my dry apartment happy...
Winter Storm from Tokeland - Day 3 Nov. 23, 2011 Though I knew it was supposed to rain yesterday and last night I didn't know there was another whopper of a wind storm pushing on shore. Sure enough though...
Winter Storm from Tokeland - Day 2 Nov. 22, 2011 Update (5:55:am) That was one windy, loud night. I was able to sleep until the power went out about 3:30am. Looking at the graph of winds over at it...
A Very Foggy Tacoma Nov. 2, 2011 My walk in to work today greeted me in the face and in my bones with a chilling fog. The layers I enjoy wearing were just about enough to...